Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Rolling the Bones with Uncle Joe

Yeah, this post is going to get me fucking slaughtered, I can hear people right now.  So essentially we are down to six even close to "serious" Democratic candidates.  Everyone of them has a fatal flaw in electibility.  Some just by the perceptions of a lot of voters that you need to get to win, others that just kind of suck.

Fatal flaws in 7 words or less.  Now some of these are offensive and not my views but those of the fucking sans culottes who brought us the current President and Senate.  These are the things that both upfront and dark money would be paying for after the DNC for the general election.

Bernie-aged commie
Pete-gay guy with husband
Warren-commie pocahontas
Biden-gaffe filled grampa
Bloomberg- Rich Jew mayor of New York
Amy-mean bitch, comb salad

The targeted social media in critical states is going to be off the hook.  Yes, Virginia there is an electoral college no matter what your hopes, dreams and unicorns would have you believe, only about 8 states are in play. (Bernie probably makes that 12-15)

A little background about my "endorsement" and I make this endorsement by picking the least clowny clown in the clown car.  I donated money to Klobuchar after my brief flirtation with Senator Harris, I found Amy to be the "safest" of candidates, I mean other than being "mean" and "she was a prosecutor" it's hard to see in the general election what would be the attack ad. Is the Trump campaign going to attack Amy for locking Black people in jail, it's probably the worst knock on her, but it ain't losing her any votes in the general.

Also, I will vote for any democrat who is running against Trump in November.

I am (at least for the next week or so maybe) a centrist Democrat.  I strongly believe in infrastructure, that government should provide the ability to create a backbone for folks in this country to have social and economic success.  Transportation, public safety, education and yes, health care are critical to entrepeneurship, markets and personal success, safety nets are needed for both those who have less among us and those that want to leave a safe job with benefits to explore greater opportunity.  I am a capitalist (leftist shudder...) I believe that people should be able to do well, and even get fabulously wealthy in well regulated markets and pay a "fair share" of taxes as in scripture it is said, to whom much is given, much is expected.  I believe that Americans have a right to gun ownership but that background checks and other violence control methods are critical,  do I have a right to have a 105 mm howitzer on my front stoop trained on my neighbor's backyard?  I believe in humane immigration control, somewhere between the open borders canard and the build that wall losers.  Your family "did it right"/"came here legally" because there were very few restrictions, if you weren't a polygamist, an anarchist or had a commnicable disease and said you had someone to stay with, you were basically in, at the same time nations should be able to police their borders.  I am a fiscal conservative, I think we should pay our bills, I think our taxes are too low and we should all be taxed at a level to pay for all the things we need and want, and we should have highly qualified, empowered public servants who monitor that we are getting the best deal for the money we are saving.  I could go on forever but I'm trying to make a point, I am not an ideologue, I do not believe any one person has all the solutions to all of our problems. As most of you that know me, I am probably as wacko as it comes when it has to do with civil and individual rights.  But y'all probably don't think I'm as woke as I should be.  There are a million more issues, defense, climate change, foreign policy, etc but you get my drift.

So here we go, I'm for Joe.  I know everything that is bad about Joe, Joe is old, Joe's first terrible run for President was 32 years ago where he was soundly thrashed by Brookline's own sweater wearing erstwhile tank crewman Mike Dukakis. Joe makes gaffes, his stories smell like werther's originals and sound like dry drunk tales.  Joe's times has passed, he hugs little girls and smells of brylcreem and Scranton.  Oh and Hunter Biden,  dammit Hunter, WTF.

OK, so let me tell you why, again I am not a "seize the wealth" Democrat.  I know enough about history to know how that ends up.  To be really selfish, through hard work, education, and a whole lotta of luck, our family is probably in the top decile of family income in this country, I have access to great health insurance. We've worked hard to build wealth, public schools and thriftyness/living below our means have helped, and we aren't wealthy but there is a very good chance our kids will be.  I fear this "wealth" being taxed at extreme rates to satisfy the will of leftist, socialist programs.  If that sounds selfish, again, yup it probably is, but think about a lot of voters across this country who feel the same way and they'll get you four more years of trump.  I've identified myself as a progressive most of my adult life, to me a feeling that the world is in constant flux and one's politics and beliefs change to meet that change and its inherent challenges.  I never really saw it as socialism. And as much as I will, I have no desire to vote for a nearly 80 year old socialist who yells at me.

I believe in Joe, because he believes in America and the American people.  I truly believe that, and despite all the warts and all of Joe Biden, he is proud of America and Americans.  He believes in the Democratic party as the party of the people that have been successful in America and of people that have been left behind.  While not my first choice among the 300 milion people in this country, he is what is on the menu.  To be frank, I think he has the best chance to win.

Many of my good friends on the left this is a time to be transformational, that voting for a moderate is just voting for more of the same, that this is an opportunity to make America the place they think it should be.  My bumper sticker for this election is "I ain't looking to change the world right now, I'm just trying to wrest power from that fucking fascist ass mothafucka".  (trademark pending)  This is not your rainbow and unicorns election, this is the reset election, this is where you unplug America and plug it back in, where you get yourself back a sense of decency, morality and normality that a Biden administration would bring.

I think that Biden will choose the right people in the administration, and I think that's his selling point.  I think a lot of people look at the nominee in a debate, oooh what will Trump do in a debate.  Honestly when is the last time a Presidential GOP nominee won a debate?  Hillary cleaned Trump's idiot clock.  I think that a Biden administration will have highly qualified members chosen from the best America has to offer. I think there are a lot of Americans in the 8 states that matter that will see Joe's decency as a strength, possibly carrying the former blue wall of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan into the White House.

I'm not going to pretend to be enthusiastic about this,  this is not a transformational Obama exciting type of candidate.  I think you win by not being transformational, not being a hollering celebrity at the edge of the political spectrum.  By not being the candidate that people holding their nose go to vote for in the general election.  Right now I feel a gun is being held to the head of the large majority in the center by the right and left of the political spectrum,  the whaddya gonna do vote for that fascist blowhard or whaddya gonna do go vote for that octogenarian socialist?

This is the most important election of our lives and somehow the Democratic party has brought up the political equivalents of Tony Orlando and Dawn and Carter Country.  This being said in this crazy two party system, we gotta stand behind someone and I'm rolling the bones with uncle Joe.

Rest in peace, my timeline because here come the "leftsplainers"