Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Things I'm not that liberal about

I've often been accused by people that don't know me that well but know of my propensity to talk about social justice as being a bleeding heart liberal. Not liberal in the classical sense, but in the modern American connotation of liberal. It's funny, because I think I used to lean towards socialism, maybe even just being a "red". As I grow old, I change, especially now that I'm more invested in the capitalist system. As my wife says, "there's something really creepy about a young republican", it's the time to be liberal, hell even anarchistic.

I'm very liberal/progressive about many things, the subject of another post but here's a few things that I don't fall in line with many of my progressive brethern.

Education: I'm a strong proponent of charter schools, now I know there likely won't be enough to go around to serve everyone but as a supporter of public education, I believe they are a good tool as an incubator for experimental processes and as an alternative to schools that are failing children. However I think vouchers are stupid. I like the idea of states being able to award charters, and think they should be taken away equally as fast if the charter fails. I am also very pro-teacher but am concerned about unions that protect the weakest of teachers and don't promote what is best for children. I'm pro-standards based testing as well, it's the only way to hold schools, districts and the state accountable for all of the taxpayer's hard earned money we're spending. I think principals and superintendents of schools that are failing children and communities should have the ability to have control over hiring the best possible staff for their schools and should be accountable for their performance.

Guns: I'm pro-long weapon; shotguns, rifles, I believe that everyone should own a musket, imagine what would happen if every law abiding citizen had a musket. I also think that one should have to go through a mandated gun class if they want a license/FID. Assault weapons and handguns are a whole other thing, except for law enforcement and security. Ain't no point for those weapons, no one ever hunted a rabbit with an AK or started a revolution with a Glock.

Immigration: Like most Americans, I am pro-legal immigration. This country was built by immigrants, hell most Americans are immigrants or children of immigrants. I have nothing against non-documented folks, I've advocated for them as individuals, helped to educate them and believe that ALL children should get the best education possible in our public schools. However, there are just not enough entry level jobs to go around. I know that these good folks do a lot of work Americans don't want to do, figure out a way to legalize them. Even worse are the people who exploit them, paying subminimum wage, abusing foreign workers and keeping American unskilled workers from taking those jobs. Special work visas would be a great idea. I'm not sure how this can be controlled, a fence is just ridiculous. You think all these Asian and Brazilian undocumented folks are just crossing the Rio Grande? A fence? A fence? Crazy talk. Hell, even half my family came on a plane, not a boat or across a river. (okay it was an air force plane from an American protectorate but same thing)

Welfare: Able bodied people should work or be getting training to work. "Make work" programs under the New Deal inspired an entire generation of the tranformative power of labor. Of course, it is difficult to find placements for much of our population that is currently part of the social welfare system, many of these workers are unskilled, undermotivated and undereducated and frequently have child care or social/emotional issues. It must be a priority of our social welfare system to put people to work. Many of us will need assistance sometime in our lives but we must understand that this is a step up, not a step out.

Law and Order: Do the crime, do the time. Many of our drug laws are absurd and we lock a lot of people up for non-violent activities, they need to be reformed. But if you are involved in violence against anyone else, it is an attack on our entire community. Trafficking of crack cocaine and heroin is an attack on our entire community. Violence against women and children should have the harshest of penalties. And gun crimes of any kind should have a mandatory harsh sentence as well. I struggle with the death penalty, while you can release a prisoner after a mistake, you can give them their life back, but for treason or activities that threaten our very rule of law, such as the murder of a police officer, or court official, it is hard to make a case against capital punishment.

Capitalism: Nothing wrong with making money. Work hard, play by the rules, pay your fair share of taxes, give your part to charity, get rich. But remember how you got there. Without your contribution to the general welfare, you'd have nothing.

Yeah so that's enough to get my credentials pulled from the liberal of the month club.


Heidi Guarino said...

Yes, but where do you stand on MCAS? Now that's the real question.

Generally Bob said...

I sense a mind that wants to make the best decisions that provide the opportunity for the greatest good for the greatest number of people without undue hardship on any subgroup. A mighty set of forces are at work though. The reason a republic should be well armed isn't because you want them to be able to go hunt. It's so the populace can't be overwhelmed by any royalist cabal with a monopoly over weaponry. You either agree with the government's monopoly over deadly weapons or you don't. It's not a compromise where you let the people shoot rabbits but deny them the ability to defend themselves against human tyrants... It's perfectly reasonable to believe that we can't trust the republic not to abuse the right to bear arms that can kill lots of people. Fear of the mob criminals or anarchists is just as reasonable as fear of tyrants. I look forward to more Angry Middle posts keep em coming.